Akyra Rice, Author
Q: Now that we're back to school what did you do over the summer? A: Although Akyra said that she mostly worked over the summer, she also found time to go to different beaches such as Keansburg and Sandy hook.
Q: I'm aware you're currently employed. Where do you work and how do you like your job? A: Even though Akyra likes a job because of her coworkers, it is a hard job working at Aeropostale, because you have to constantly rack shelves and deal with different customers.
Q: With Cheering season right around the corner, are you excited about your senior year of cheering? A:Akyra's excited to be in charge and make a difference for the other underclassmen in cheer.
Q: You seem like a person who enjoys traveling, what's your dream vacation? A: Akyra’s dream vacation would be Jamaica, mostly because it isn't the usual vacation spot that everyone chooses.
Q: What do you consider your two best qualities? A: Akyra chose her personality and gap as her two favorite qualities.
Interviewed by Bryan Williams