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When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

Hasmin Llamoca

Hasmin Llamoca, Administrator

Q:What is your favorite passtime? A: Hasmin enjoys dance and Netflix.

Q:Why did you join Rampage? A: Hasmin saw it a couple times and thought it was really interesting how students get together and help in making the school more unified through bringing news and entertainment to the school body.

Q:What Hair products do you use? A: Hasmin use a Spanish shampoo and she actually condition twice with Pantene. Remember to apply the conditioner on the ends of your hair!

Q:Who is the person you value the most?   A: Hasmin values her mom; she says her mom is everything to her.

Q:If you had to paint your room, what color would it be? A: Pale green with a white accent.

Interviewed by Jonah Balagtas 

All content by Hasmin Llamoca