Michelle Wilson , Writer
Q. What do you see yourself doing in the future and why?
A. "I see myself working in a physical therapy office. I would want to help people get better."
Q. Does having a popular brother as a teacher in the school give you any advantages?
A. "No, because I am a normal student just like everyone else; teachers actually expect more from me."
Q.What is your favorite sport other than soccer?
A. "Basketball and also Track & Field, even though I stopped playing basketball my freshman year. I started track my sophomore year."
Q.Why is soccer your favorite?
A. "I grew a passion for the sport as I was little and played ever since I was three."
Q. What do you like to do on your free time?
A. "I like to listen to music, and I especially love hanging out with my friends."
Interviewed by Mikeal Miller