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When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

Cierra Roberts

Cierra Roberts, Writer

Q: When and how did you get into soccer?

A: Okay. I started when I was younger, but I remember my sister wanted to do cheer and I always wanted to play soccer. My mom was like, “Do you want to cheer or play soccer?” and obviously I wanted to play soccer. Then I got my sister into it, and we just played rec until high school. 

Q: If you had the chance to meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?

A: I would want to me Freddie Mercury from Queen because I watched the movie, and I always listened to their music even when I was younger because my parents and brother liked them. I just find him so interesting.

Q: What is your favorite childhood memory?

A: My family went on a cruise to St. Thomas. My favorite part was being on the beach and in the clear water. And then there was this dog and we started playing with it, and we were all just really happy.

Q: What is something that challenges you on a daily basis?

A: I’d say staying motivated because I’m always so confused on what I want to do, especially since it’s senior year and we have to decide on what colleges we want to go to. And I don’t want to go to college undecided.

All content by Cierra Roberts
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