Senior Trip~ Pocono Valley 2015
On Wednesday June 10, about 80 of our own seniors spent a whole day at the Pocono Valley Resort. Zip lining, rock climbing, swimming, and even hamster balls were included in this nonstop day. The senior class banded together for one of the last times as the Class of 2015. This year they stayed later than usual which included a dance party as well as a campfire with s’mores. On behalf of the senior class we would like to thank Mrs. Orosz for putting together the day and working so hard to make this year memorable.
Next stop: Graduation!

Q: What role do you have in Digital Journalism?
A: I’m an administrator.
Q: What do you enjoy doing on your spare time?
A: I like to read...

Q: What is your favorite sports team?
A: Yankees and Giants
Q: Where do you want to go for college/ what major do you want?
A: NJIT for architecture...