Spooky, Creepy, Scary Halloween Movies



Horror: noun- is an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust. We all know this feeling while watching scary movies, especially during the month of  October. The Rampage is here to help you get in the mood just in time for Halloween.

Here are some of the most suspenseful and scary horror films of all time:

1.  Psycho (1960): This is one of  Alfred Hitchcock’s best. It is about a secretary who steals money from a client and runs away to a remote motel that is run by a man with a disturbing secret. It has murder, suspense, and a bone chilling ending. This movie was later on portrayed again from a different point of view in the television series “Bates Motel.” Be prepared for the twist ending that’ll leave you in shock!


2. The Shining (1980): This movie is based on the book by Stephen King. It centers around a family of three who is watching over a hotel for the winter. The little boy of the family has premonitions of evil spirits from the past and the future. The dad suddenly gets possessed by something deadly. This movie will have you at the edge of your seat from the beginning to end. I would avoid planning any trips in the near future as you will be fearful of hotels for awhile.


3. The Conjuring (2013): A more recent horror movie that follows paranormal investigators. They help a family out whose farm house is haunted and has a deep and dark past. What makes this movie even more scary is that it is based on a true story. The original family bought thee house in 1970 and moved out 10 years later in 1970. Most of the family members are still alive to this day and are still in shock of what happened. They wanted this movie to replicate their exact experience. Of course certain moments in the movie are exaggerated but that doesn’t take away from the truth behind this family’s story told through film.


If you want to continue to fill your Halloween night with scary movies there are many more such as, “Insidious,” “It Follows,” “Carrie,” “Poltergeist,” and “The Exorcist.” Happy Halloween and make sure to check that there are no monsters hiding under your bed!