Teacher Superlatives
In high school us students are always too busy worrying about themselves and what comes next, that we sometimes tend to forget the teachers and all their hard work. Here on the Rampage, we took some time to shed some light on the teachers and their personalities. Check out which superlatives these teachers won:
Class Clowns: Mr. Duncan & Mrs. Ho-Phan Most Musically Inclined: Mr. Foster & Dr. Macri
Best Dressed: Mr. Tarleton & Mrs. Kushkuly Most Athletic: Mrs. Gorski & Mr. Romeo
Class Laugh: Mrs. Passano & Mr. D’Amico Most Artistic: Mrs. Halperin & Mr. Morali Most Involved: Miss Getrajdman & Mr. Tuttle Class Eyes: Mr. Siconolfi & Mrs. Debowska Best Impressions: Mr. Schram & Mrs. Garcia Most Helpful: Mrs. Febbo & Mr. Sera Most Dramatic: Miss Gillenson & Mr. Galvin Most Likely to Succeed: Mr. Pearlman & Mrs. Orosz Most Hopeful: Mr. Wilson & Mrs. Kelly Class Pals: Miss Mazzola & Miss Dizon/Mr. Sudol & Mr. Maggio

Q: If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?
A: I would be a prairie dog. They're super cute, so why not?
Q: What do you plan on doing...