The Best Trainer and That’s a No Brainer
Within the halls of Lodi High School, there are members of our staff who contribute greatly to our school even though they aren’t seen as often as others. If you haven’t met them yet, you’ll get to meet them here on The Rampage. In this issue, we’ll be covering one of the most legendary people known to man. John The Trainer (J.T.T.), is known as the go-to man when it comes to injuries, treatment, or even a good conversation. Tune in to find out more about J.T.T. and how he contributes to our school’s athletics.

Q: How would you describe yourself in only five words?
A: I'd described myself as empathetic, open-minded, diligent, respectful, and responsible

Q: If you could be any type of animal, which would you be and why?
A: If I could be any type of animal, I would be a shark. They constantly keep moving...

Q: If you could be any type of animal, which animal would you be and why?
A: I'd be a white Siberian tiger because it's majestic and elegant.
Q: What...