Class Level Advice – Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the 2015-2016 school year! We know all of you students must be really psyched for this upcoming school year, but what’s there to be excited about if you’re not getting involved? When it comes to being a Ram, it means being involved and doing things that benefit you and your school. Even the smallest jobs you do contribute greatly to your community. There’s plenty to do here at Lodi High School. So get up, get active, and get involved!
Freshmen – Walking in at freshman orientation was definitely a defining moment for many of you. It was a realization that you’re finally in high school. Your first day must have been pretty rough, too, with all the students bombarding the halls alongside you. Remember, everyone here before you has gone through it. It’s a hassle the first week but order will take place and soon you’ll know the school like the back of your hand.
You also probably think your past at the middle school follows you up here but in fact you’re given the gift of a clean slate. This goes for your education and for your actions. Take this gift and make the best of it. Try to study hard, do your homework, and pay attention in class. You will see it pay off senior year when you meet college requirements – trust these words. Now don’t think that grades alone will get you into college. You need to build your character as well. So make sure to join sports and clubs, such as student council, to make an impact!
Sophomores – One year down and three to go! You probably think that senior year is a long while away but it’ll come quicker than you think. So have you been getting involved? Have you been getting your education on? If not, it’s time for you to pick up the slack! You have three more years until you become an adult and with that comes a lot of responsibility. You might think you can’t handle doing too many things right now, but in time you’ll see you can handle anything you put your mind to.
Sophomore year is also the year you’re introduced to the PSAT. The PSAT, also known as the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, is administered to all high school sophomores and juniors. This test will be crucial in helping you prepare for the SAT. The test will also help determine your strengths and weaknesses to give you an idea of what you need to improve on for next year’s PSAT and maybe SAT. With that, start preparing for the PSAT, which will be administered Oct. 14! So if you have no idea on how to prepare, ask your guidance counselor and your teachers for help!
Juniors – You are officially an upperclassman! You are no longer at the bottom of the food chain! The college application process is only one year away and you should be starting to prepare for it. Start your college research and narrow down potential schools you would consider applying to. It would also be a good idea to visit those colleges to get a feel if they are good fit for you. This year is arguably the most important year of your high school career and should be treated as such. Make sure to try your hardest in all of your classes this year as well!
Junior year is also the year of the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. The PSAT will be administered on Oct. 14, so make sure you are prepared for that. All juniors should register on the College Board so they can be aware of upcoming SAT and ACT dates. It is recommended that every junior should take at least one SAT or ACT this school year. If you have any questions about this process, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your guidance counselor!
Seniors– You finally made it! You are at the top of the totem pole! This is your year. Three years ago, you stepped into this building as a freshman with no idea where life would take you. Now, it’s senior year and everything is changing. You will be applying to college, enlisting to serve our country, or soon, beginning a new chapter in life. For whatever you do, do it big.
Seniors, make sure you finish up your college admissions testing (ACT/SAT). Once that process is complete you have to start applying to the colleges you wish to attend. Make sure that your teachers have uploaded their letters of recommendation on Naviance. Also, there will be a super instant decision day on Nov. 3, so it would be a good idea to check if any colleges on your list will be attending so you can sign up. The guidance office is always there to help you with any questions that you may have. Don’t forget to pick up transcript forms for colleges as well, for they are crucial in the college application process! Have an amazing year Class of 2016 and make it a great one!

Q: If you could be any type of animal, which animal would you be and why?
A: I'd be a white Siberian tiger because it's majestic and elegant.
Q: What...

Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: After high school, I plan on going to college and then eventually medical school. If that all works out,...