Can You Beat the Beat?
Have you ever been jamming out with friends or even all alone, and you know all of the words to your favorite songs? While listening to throwback jams, or even current hit songs you are sure to never miss a beat! It’s fun to sing along to your favorite songs, but how well do you really know them? Most times, we don’t pay attention to the little details such as the song name or even the artist who created the tune. Join us in this new edition of The Lodi Rampage, where students and teachers are put to the test of guessing song titles and the artist!

Q: Since this is your last year in high school, how would you want to leave your mark on LHS?
A: I want to help as many people as I can and really try...

Q: What inspired you to join the Rampage?
A: I love to write. Also, I wanted to get a feel for this type of work because I may be interested in studying...

Q: If you had to pick one food to describe you what would it be?
A: Ice cream because I'm very sweet.
Q: What is one food you would eat for the rest...

Q: What is your zodiac sign?
A: I am a Capricorn.
Q: Where are you from?
A: I was born in Paterson. Then, I went to Garfield for about two to...