What’s in your Sports Bag?
If you think you may need it, throw it in your bag! That seems to be the motto here at LHS. From cleats, rackets, and pre wrap to Nike slides, face wipes, and even food, these athletes seem to be living out of their sport bags. The Lodi Rampage went around talking to the fall sports athletes to discover what they carry around in their sports bags. With school textbooks in one hand and game plays in the other, being a student-athlete is no game. Check out the video to see the “baggage” these students carry around on a daily basis!

Q. What do you see yourself doing in the future and why?
A. "I see myself working in a physical therapy office. I would want to help people get better."

Q: How do you feel with balancing school, AP classes, sports, and work?
A: “It is very overwhelming, but I keep it under control because I’m good...

Q: How has high school been so far?
A: The days are pretty long for Mikela and she thinks it's just scary that we have to start growing up.
Q: Do...