Guess the Teacher: English Department
Spending most weeks of the year with our teachers, we should know all about them. However, do you know about their hobbies, their family they love, and their journey to LHS? Test yourself and learn more about the teachers of our English department and their many interests. Read the brief descriptions and try to match the teacher to the fun facts! (Answer key below!)
These are the options: Ms. Sciarra, Ms. Sargenti, Mrs. Neshan, Mrs. Debowska, Mrs. Zurla, Ms. Vado, and Ms. Matthews
Teacher A: I help run a Feeding Line in Newark for the homeless. I’m also involved in a lot of activities through our local church. My favorite hobby is running, chasing after my beautiful son, or playing with my pit-dalmatian mix named Rosalita. This is my second year at LHS and you often hear me say, “STOP, you’re lying!!!”
Teacher B: In highschool I was involved in cheerleading and softball. I’m fluent in English and sarcasm. This is my first year at LHS. My favorite meal is macaroni and cheese. When I’m not playing with my three dogs, I’m practicing my Stitch voice from Lilo and Stitch.
Teacher C: I was born in Poland and came to America when I was seven,therefore, I’m fluent in both Polish and English. In high school I was in every club imaginable: NHS, Student Council, FBLA, Interact Club, Yearbook, school newspaper, and editor-in-chief of the school magazine. My favorite hobbies include reading, traveling, and eating yummy sushi.
Teacher D: In high school I played basketball and softball, I was also a member of multiple clubs including the fishing club, which makes zero sense since I highly dislike fishing. Besides English I know Spanish, with “Hola” being the extent of vocabulary. My favorite place I’ve traveled to was Florence, Italy where I enjoyed my favorite food, pizza. I love to go running (which is more like a jog…whatever). I also love to travel (just like my most annoying/amazing student – Alize Borjas).
Teacher E: My hidden talent is that I’m a pretty talented handyman –I can pretty much fix anything. My favorite meal is Thanksgiving dinner, which I share with my two children. I’ve worked at LHS for 17 years. During my own high school experience I played softball. I have a hamster (Sug…short for Sugar Cookie) and 2 fish (Slushy and Jose).
Teacher F: In high school I was involved in Model United Nations for four years. Some of my hobbies include playing video games, baking, making candy, and painting. I can impersonate three of the six main characters on My Little Pony. In my three months at LHS I’ve been known to say, “We have a couple of things to do today,” quite often.
Teacher G: I’m from Brooklyn, New York. My favorite meal is pasta. I love spending time with daughter and my t-cup yorkie. I love traveling to Dominican Republic; it’s my home away from home. I’m fluent in both English and Spanish. A quote that I love is, “Language is the road map of culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going” (Rita Mae Brown).
Answer Key:
Teacher A: Mrs. Zurla
Teacher B: Ms. Sargenti
Teacher C: Mrs. Debowska
Teacher D: Ms. Sciarra
Teacher E: Mrs. Neshan
Teacher F: Mrs. Matthews
Teacher G: Ms. Vado

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