A Scientist in the Making

Lodi High School’s head of the Science Department, Mrs. Hansen, has so much ambition when it comes to her job and it is not hard to tell! Everyday she gives students an insight on why science is an amazing subject. Since Mrs. Hansen feels such a way for her job we have decided to ask her some questions about her journey to LHS. Thank you Mrs. Hansen for helping us unlock our inner scientists!


Q: What college did you attend and what was your major?

A:  I attended Kean University. I was a Pre-med major, but then changed it to chemistry.

Q: What about science makes it your passion?

A: Science is just fun and empirical.

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

A: I like to bake, sew, knit, and hike. I have hiked 5 peaks and I plan to hike all 44 of them one day.

Q: Is what you are doing now what you always wanted to do?

A: No, I originally wanted to be a doctor, but now I can not imagine myself doing anything else.

Q: What inspired you to be a science teacher?

A: After I graduated, I had my own business that did not have anything to do with chemistry, but after a while it wasn’t for me and I decided to take a different path. My friends had convinced me to start teaching and I made the best decision.

Q: What clubs and sports were you a member of in high school?

A: I participated in tennis and track. I was in all of the clubs I could be in (for the pictures of course).

Q: Was there any difference from being a science teacher to head of the Science Department?

A: It is a lot of work to balance. I try so hard not to lose the ability to be creative in the classroom and still be able to manage a whole department, but I am getting into the swing of thing.

Thank you, Mrs. Hansen, for showing the Rampage and the students of LHS the results of hard word, dedication and passion.