Alumni Ave

You may have passed through the halls and noticed the college street signs placed on the walls! The guidance interns took time out of their busy schedules to hang the signs for the students and faculty to enjoy. The Lodi Rampage thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to catch up with some of our faculty members and find out about their alma maters!

Mr. Way

What college did you attend?: I attended St. Peter’s College which is now St. Peter’s University in Jersey City New Jersey

Why would you recommend this school to someone?: I would recommend this school to anyone who wants to attend college near the city. There is a lot of opportunities to do great things when you are  so close to New York City. Many of my friends had internships that turned into full time jobs.

Mrs. Kuhl

What college did you attend?: I attended Rider University.

What made you decide on this college?: I was torn between Rider and TCNJ.  I loved both so I took my SAT’s one more time.  If I got 50 more points, my TCNJ scholarship would be better than my Rider scholarship.  I only got 30 additional points so off to Rider I went!

Mr. Morali

What college did you attend?: William Paterson University

What is your best memory?: I have a few really good memories. One in particular was the Humanities courses I always took with Professor Peterman. We always had class on Wednesday night, and they were honors courses so there were usually about 6 or 7 students in the class. Every week we rotated responsibility for bringing in snacks to share with everyone. So we’d all sit at a table for three hours, eat things like hummus and chips, and chat about Oedipus or King Lear. We all got really close and I had Peterman for something like five semesters in a row. It was a blast.

Mrs. Orosz

What college did you attend?TCNJ but then transferred to Rutgers- Newark after my sophomore year (not because I didn’t love TCNJ but I wanted to play softball competitively and I had an opportunity to do so at Rutgers)

Why would you recommend this school to someone?: I would recommend both schools to someone who is looking for competitive programs that are not too far from home and affordable.  College is really what you make of it!  My advice is to be sure to get involved in activities that interest you and become a part of the campus as a opposed to just attending classes.  Visit professors during their office hours and attend school related events!  Taking these steps to be proactive will really make the difference in your college experience.

Mr. Schram

What college did you attend?: I attended Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ.

What made you decide on this college?: I decided on Seton Hall University for several different reasons. For starters, their education program is well-known and seemed to be the most cohesive out of the other colleges I applied to. They also gave me a good scholarship. One of the key elements that pushed me toward SHU was when I walked around campus for the very first time, I felt at home. There was no word to describe it. There was just something about the campus that was calling me there.

Ms. Press

What college did you attend?: Bachelors: Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck Masters: Ramapo College

What is your best memory?: Playing with a small group of students and the music professor in a group called the Elizabethan Consort.  We played medieval instruments like the recorder.  I played a very interesting instrument called the Krumhorn.  It had a double reed inside of it and had a very unique sound.

Mr. Foster

What college did you attend?: William Paterson University

 Why would you recommend this school to someone?:  I would strongly recommend WPU to anyone interested in Jazz, Sound Engineering or Music Studies. I never really left the music building other then for a few science classes, since the campus was being renovated during my 4 years there, so I don’t know much about the rest!