Nursing LHS Back to Health
Our school nurse, Mrs. DiGiacomo is one of the hardest working people in the building! She is perpetually ready to tend to students’ health-related issues. Caroline and Joe interviewed the nurse, so everyone can get to know her a little better.
Where are you from?
Park Ridge, New Jersey
How did you get into Nursing?
It was a second-career choice for me. I originally wanted to become a nutritionist in high school, but I was always into health so nursing was a great alternative. I started off working at Lodi High School as a secretary and went to school to become a nurse at Bergen Community College because I was informed that there was an opening. I spent three more years in school to get my BSN degree at New Jersey City University. I have worked here ever since as our school’s nurse! Additionally, I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in nursing and work as a home-care nurse on the side, so I am deeply involved and dedicated to my profession.
What are some of your responsibilities here?
I advocate for the students. Safety is my number one priority. I oversee medical conditions, administer medications, and tend to medical emergencies.
You’re stuck on a deserted island. You can only take three things with you. What do you take?
I would bring food, water, and my family of course. They are the three things I can’t survive without!
The Rampage would like to thank Mrs. DiGiacomo for her continued excellence in taking care of our students!

Q: If you could be any type of animal, which would you be and why?
A: If I could be any type of animal, I would be a shark. They constantly keep moving...

Q: How would you describe yourself in only five words?
A: I'd described myself as empathetic, open-minded, diligent, respectful, and responsible