College Weekly – Ep. 02 – Dorm or Commute?
CLASS OF 2016! This week on College Weekly we’re changing it up a bit. Many of you have already started college applications, but have you decided whether or not you are going to dorm or commute? It’s a hard choice for anyone, but we at Rampage Productions have created something that should help with that decision. It’s the Dorm or Commute Quiz! Follow the link to see how you would live out your college life. Keep in mind you may have more questions to ask yourself other than those provided. Don’t be afraid to talk to your guidance counselor for advice. We, also, definitely suggest doing your own research on campus life and college visits!
Take the quiz here–>

Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: After high school, I plan on going to college and then eventually medical school. If that all works out,...

Q: If you could be any type of animal, which animal would you be and why?
A: I'd be a white Siberian tiger because it's majestic and elegant.
Q: What...