Between 2 Rams: Mrs. Pacelli
Welcome back to another edition of Between 2 Rams. This time Dylon and Donny bring in a very special guest, Mrs. Pacelli! These wacky questions will leave you flabbergasted and will cause Ms. Pacelli to feel really awkward during this unconventional interview. Watch as they bombard her with the strangest questions that shouldn’t ever be part of an interview. How long can they keep this up without Ms. Sciarra knowing? Is she secretly behind it all? Check out the video to find out!

Q: What do you hope to get out of the Rampage?
A: Honestly, I want to have a fun time, learn how to write better, and talk to a lot of people.

Q: What is something you’re passionate about?
A: I am passionate about prioritizing school for myself.
Q: What meme is your favorite?
A: Lucid...