Lip Sync or Swim
Anarchy has ensued here at LHS. It all began when Mr. Lewis declared himself the lip sync king. He believed that no one could beat him in a battle. We ventured out to find the bravest souls to do undergo a lip sync challenge. We narrowed it down to three teachers, Mrs. White, Mrs. Mathews, and Mr. Deverman, each putting their lip syncing abilities to the test. The two finalists will go on to the final round in next edition where they will fight for the title of the real “Lip Sync King/Queen.” Stay tuned to find out who moved on to the next round and we hope you enjoy! If you want to cast your own vote, go to the Rampage poll on our homepage and let your voice be heard!

Q: Why did you want to join the Rampage?
A: I love to edit and there were no other classes that provided the opportunity to edit in class like the one...

Q: How would you describe your high school experience in three words?
A: Positive personal growth
Q: If you could have any superpower what would...

Q: What is your favorite part of school?
A: School offers a lot of opportunities for anybody with any interest. There are so many different clubs; I feel...