Army Rams

How many students in Lodi High are Army ready? Join Dylon and Donny in the newest edition of The Lodi Rampage with a brand new challenge. We introduced three of your peers, who want to join the military, to an obstacle course designed by Katherine Valdivieso of Lodi High school who is enlisted in the United States Army. She arranged a course involving the basics of Army training to determine if our participants are ready for the challenge. Brothers Brayan and Joshua Valladares, along with Fabio Paulino will be running the course and putting themselves to the test to see if they are Army ready.

Q: What is something you’re passionate about?
A: I am passionate about prioritizing school for myself.
Q: What meme is your favorite?
A: Lucid...

Q: What do you hope to get out of the Rampage?
A: Honestly, I want to have a fun time, learn how to write better, and talk to a lot of people.