Breaking Down the Beats with Elijah Garcia
The year 2018 was filled with phenomenal music. Now that it is over, we wanted to do a recap of some of our favorites. In this video we delve into our top albums of 2018 with the help of senior, Elijah Garcia, and make our on camera debut with our very first podcast. Hopefully, you come out of this video with a better understanding of why we enjoy the music we do, or find one of your new favorite albums through this video.

Q: What type of music are you into?
A: I’m into rap and hip hop mainly, but I like R&B too.
Q: What made you want to play football or sports...

Q: Which fictional character do you think would be the most boring to meet in real life?
A: Harry Potter because he seems like he would be pretentious...

Q: What are you most excited about for your last football season?
A: I know it’ll sound cliché but, personally, I’m looking forward to the homecoming...