LHS Volunteering Opportunities Made Easy
As the holiday season takes over Lodi High School, we reflect on the importance of being involved within our school community. Thanksgiving is all about reminding people the importance of giving back, however, at LHS, it truly is an everyday occurrence. Here, at 99 Putnam Street, there are so many opportunities for students to volunteer and devote their time to others. If you are looking for a way to become involved with volunteering, you have come to the right place!
A perfect place to begin volunteering at LHS would be the Interact Club which is advised by Ms. Getrajdman. The Interact Club has so many opportunities for students as the year progresses. For example, they host an annual gift wrapping event where members volunteer to wrap gifts for strangers and all of the proceeds go to women and children who suffer from domestic violence at a mall; they also visit a local senior center where they entertain the residents with good company and music. Another good club to join for such reasons would be the Key Club, which hosts annual food drives and blood drives for those in need. All of these opportunities are easily accessible and available at any point in the year.
Ways LHS students can volunteer locally could be through devoting time to:
Volunteer at Lodi Memorial Library: Here, you would be collaborating with the librarians and children through communication. Whether it be the organization of bookshelves, reading to children, or supervising activities, volunteering at the local library is an easy, reliable option to be an active member of the community.

Be A Part of the Lodi Volunteer Ambulance Squad: Youth Corp members are required to be in between the ages of 16-18 years old. Training is provided by the squad. This training includes Valid First Aid and CPR certification. The shifts are from 6-10 pm, once a week. This type of volunteering could definitely provide such a great experience for those who would want to join the medical field later in life.
Volunteer at the Lodi Fire Department: Volunteers between the ages of 16 and 18 years old have to complete 45 hours of in-house Junior Firefighter training, which would be provided by the Lodi Fire Department who are NJ State Fire Instructors. Such an experience would provide great insight on the risks and bravery of being a firefighter while also benefiting the community.

Don’t be afraid to go out and become an active member of your community just like our teachers of LHS do! Being able to help others is truly a gift and should be utilized everyday, just like Mr. Diallo demonstrates with his Red Cross experiences. Take advantage of opportunities to help out like Ms. Febbo does through her work with homeless shelters and mentoring. With the ability to help out, comes the ability to make a change for the better. Try something you’ve never done before like Ms. Trajkovska did with volunteering with a community food bank for the first time. Also, don’t forget to always check your email for opportunities offered by Mrs. Orosz and the rest of the guidance department. You’ll see that with the right opportunities, you’ll be able to find a greater purpose in becoming a helping hand for your community! The LHS family hopes to see you give back this year! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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