Pumpkin Picasso
There is a little Picasso in everyone, and here at Lodi there are no exceptions. With Halloween coming up, the Rampage asked students and faculty to compete in a five minute competition to paint their best Halloween themed pumpkin! There was a total of three competitions, each with their own little twist. Watch the video below to check out their fa-boo-lous creations.

Q: What is your biggest worry about senior year?
A: One of Emma’s biggest worries about senior year is not being able to keep track of all her due...

Q: What would you like to pursue after high school?
A: After high school, Robert would like to attend a community college. Robert is undecided but...

Q: If you can describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Why?
A: "I describe myself as funny, because I know how to make people laugh."

Q: Do you have a hobby outside of school, and if so what is it?
A: “Yeah I do. I make videos on my free time.”
Q: What are you looking forward...