Dear Mr. Morali…
Dear Mr. Morali,
This video is dedicated to the commitment and passion you’ve brought to Lodi High School for the past nine years. Your contributions to the school will not be forgotten. We will always remember the Mr. Morali who made the popular Poetry Club and brought out the inner poet in us all. Or the Mr. Morali who coached the varsity wrestling team and inspired the team to work to their highest potential. And of course, we will all remember the Mr. Morali who made English fun for everybody; who worked hard to teach us how to look at life from more than one perspective and to always think outside of the box. We will all miss you very much! Thank you for what you’ve given us and good luck in your new job.
The Lodi High School Student Body

Q: If you could be any animal what would it be? A: Jonah would easily be a lobster. He said he would enjoy a peaceful lobster lifestyle on the ocean floor...

Q: What is your favorite thing about LHS? A: Kyle's favorite part about LHS is the people. "You get a little bit of everything around here, and everyone...