The Weird and Wacky Fast Food Taste Quest!
Are you tired of getting the same old burger and fries from your go-to fast food restaurant? Are you tired of being restricted by the fast food menu? Do you feel like experimenting with new tastes and flavors? Well we, The Lodi Rampage, have just the thing for you. We went around to the most popular fast food spots and decided to play around with some famous foods to create some wacky meals. Now let’s start the weird and wacky fast food taste quest!

Q: If you could be any animal what would it be? A: Jonah would easily be a lobster. He said he would enjoy a peaceful lobster lifestyle on the ocean floor...

Q: What is your favorite thing about LHS? A: Kyle's favorite part about LHS is the people. "You get a little bit of everything around here, and everyone...