Butterflies in My Stomach, Love on My Mind: Crush Confessions

Butterflies in your stomach, eyes dilated, sweaty palms –these are all signs that you have fallen head over heels for someone. Whether full blown love or just an innocent infatuation, seeing someone’s cheeks get as red as tomatoes or laughing nervously when talking about their crush is always heartwarming. Some people are shyly expressing their feelings for the first time, while others are showcasing them for the whole world to see. The great thing about crushes are you rarely see them coming; so hit the link below to see our fellow LHS students describe how their crushes makes them feel inside. You never know, they may be talking about you!

Q: What are you most excited for this school year? A: Chris is most excited for wrestling during this school year. He is also excited to leave early. Chris...

Q:What are three words you would use to describe yourself? A:Amanda describes herself as an open minded, creative, and positive person.
Q:What do you...