Breaking the Ice with Mrs.Y
As she walks in the room, nothing but the sound of her heels clicking can be heard. You may have seen her monitoring the halls or snatching inappropriate belongings. Some students get frightened while others get excited. Suspense fills the air. Of course we are speaking about, none other than, Lodi High School’s Vice Principal Mrs. Yzquierdo. The Lodi Rampage staff took it upon ourselves to discover the many different layers of Mrs. Y. Watch the video to see how well you know Mrs. Y in a game of Two Truths and A Lie.

Q:Are you in any clubs and if so, which one is your favorite? A: Paola is in numerous clubs but her two favorite are FBLA and Interact club. She enjoys...

Q:What are you most passionate about in school/life? A: Rachel feels the strongest about her family and friends. Spending time with her loved ones makes...