The Keystone of Thanksgiving
The Key Club organized a Thanksgiving food drive that focused on helping out families in need in Lodi and the surrounding areas. The food drive began early in the month of November and ended just before LHS’s Thanksgiving Break. Students and faculty were asked to bring in non-perishable food items and anything else they would be able to donate. At the end of the drive, approximately 500 food items in total were collected by the school! Ms. Ho-Phan’s AP Chemistry homeroom brought in the most items (149!) and was awarded a bagel breakfast. Club volunteers met at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club to assemble the baskets of food that were sent out over the holidays to families in need. In addition, the ShopRite of Lodi provided 90 turkeys to add to the baskets.
When asked about the food drive, club adviser, Ms. Dizon commented, “We were all shocked by the overflowing boxes some homerooms had at the end of the drive! Key Club could not have been any more thankful for the support shown from the LHS family. The members were very happy to be able to help so many different families in need, especially the ones that live among us. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for what you have, but is also a time to be aware that there are many people out there who may be less fortunate, and why not help them if you can? A little does go a long way and we all saw that from our food drive.”
The club’s next events are the blood drive on Dec. 11 and the toy drive that runs until Dec. 15.
The Key Club would like to thank everyone for their continued support!

Q: How would you describe yourself in only five words?
A: I'd described myself as empathetic, open-minded, diligent, respectful, and responsible