Cheers to High School Years
Pride, dedication, and spirit, are just a few of the attributes of an LHS cheerleader. From generation to generation, each and every one has cheered with the same goal of encouraging spirit and pride in the rams.
This was the second year the LHS Cheerleading Alumni made an appearance. The current LHS Cheerleading coach, Danielle Palasti, who was also a cheerleader for Lodi High School, was excited to continue this new tradition. Coach Palasti describes the event as, “An experience for the girls currently on my team to see what an impact cheerleading has had on the lives of these women. It is a good reminder to the girls to have fun doing what they love while they can.”Alumni of all ages joined the event. Brittany Benanti, who graduated LHS in 2015, tells us what being a LHS cheerleader has meant to her, and how it has impacted her life. “Being an LHS Cheerleader taught me to be a leader and work hard to inspire the younger generations of cheerleaders. Being a part of an unforgettable team will be a part of my life forever.” Although, for some, it has been many years since their high school days, they were honored to have the opportunity to relive what it was like to be part of a team as special as LHS Cheerleading.

Q: What are you most excited for your senior year? A: "After looking forward to being a senior for the past 3 years, I would have to say I am most excited...

Q: What are your plans for after high school?
A: After high school, I plan on going to college and then eventually medical school. If that all works out,...