A Council that Works for You
Each class has a student council and although they are constantly competing against each other, they all share a common goal. The objective of student council is to continually raise money for your senior year. The more fundraising the student council does throughout the three years leading up to your final days at LHS, the less you will have to pay when it comes to events, such as prom. Some events your student council looks forward to planning are Powder Puff and Ram Wars! So which students are responsible for all of the planning? These students were chosen by their respective class advisers to represent your class.

Q: What are you most excited for your senior year? A: "After looking forward to being a senior for the past 3 years, I would have to say I am most excited...

Q: How would you describe yourself in only five words?
A: I'd described myself as empathetic, open-minded, diligent, respectful, and responsible