SEN19R TRIP at Pocono Valley
As the year comes to an end, all everyone wants to do is relax and have fun. Before the class of 2019 has to say their last goodbyes, they are able to enjoy these last few months by making unforgettable memories. On May 22, the Senior Trip was held in the Poconos where the class of 2019 was able to share new experiences and step out of their comfort zones. Many activities, such as zip lining and rock climbing, had lines the reached to the other side but those who waited did not regret the experience! There was also a pool by the lake where seniors gathered together to relax and enjoy the sun. Other activities included, paddling boating and a ropes course. This day will be one of the best memories the class of 2019 will have together. The senior class would like to thank Mr. Romeo for making the senior trip a memorable experience!

Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: Besides going back and forth deciding between which social media I should scroll through, I usually listen to...