You are the Only Ten-I-see
Every two years, the Lodi High School Marching Band and the Jazz Ensemble do their best to go on a trip. This past April, they went to Nashville, Tennessee, and it offered many great opportunities. Accompanying them on this trip was Mr. Foster. Mrs. Y, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Lucas, and Mr. Bernice. These young musicians were taught line dancing, visited beautiful historic sites displaying the origins of country music, and had the opportunity to listen to a professional symphony perform Gershwin’s greatest hits. They saw the Grand Ole Opry, and all of its wonders. The marching band performed outside of a mall on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and the jazz group got to play in a famous recording studio, the RCA in studio B, where they recorded a cd of their set list. Later on that day, the Jazz Band went to Vanderbilt University where they were given a private lesson as a group from their music director. All of the students and staff who attended this journey had quite the unforgettable experience!

Q: If you can be any animal, which would you be and why?
A: "A cat because they are wise in a quiet way and they’re cute!"
Q: If you were offered...

Q: Why did you want to be a member of the Rampage?
A: Steven wanted to be a part of the Rampage because he felt like he could do more fifth period...