In the Eyes of a Mother…
Mother’s Day is a day full of appreciation for all the mothers of the world. Everyone should already know that being a mother is hard. Mothers do everything they can to care for their children. The love that they give is endless and special. To show our appreciation, The Lodi Rampage decided to sit down with some of the many mothers at Lodi High School to learn about their view on motherhood. During this conversation, these mothers shared the most difficult part of motherhood, the lessons learned, their funniest memory with their children, and so much more. Watch this video to learn about Mrs. Kuhl, Mrs. Neshan, Mrs. Pollaro, and Mrs. Debowska and their lives as mothers!

Q: What is your favorite part of school?
A: School offers a lot of opportunities for anybody with any interest. There are so many different clubs; I feel...

Q: If you can be any animal, which would you be and why?
A: "A cat because they are wise in a quiet way and they’re cute!"
Q: If you were offered...