Behind the HEIGHTS!
As the curtain closes, life still goes on! After In the Heights ended, the audience was left with many cliffhangers and unanswered questions. How is Benny’s car service? Is Vanessa happy downtown? Does Usnavi regret staying in the barrio? How are Daniela and Carla doing in the Bronx? What are the Rosarios doing after they sold their business? In this video, The Lodi Rampage went back to the barrio to learn what the people of Washington Heights have been up to since closing night! Some juicy details and revealing secrets were discovered during these interviews. Watch this video to see how their lives have been after the final curtain!

Q: What is your favorite part of school?
A: School offers a lot of opportunities for anybody with any interest. There are so many different clubs; I feel...

Q: If you can be any animal, which would you be and why?
A: "A cat because they are wise in a quiet way and they’re cute!"
Q: If you were offered...