Women’s Day
Whether it’s a mother, sister, grandmother, teacher, friend, or girlfriend, we all have at least one special woman in our lives. Let’s face it, if it weren’t for women we would not be here; therefore, to honor them, it is important that we show our appreciation for all that they do for us. March 8 is national Women’s Day, so the Rampage decided to ask some of the boys of Lodi High School to talk about the women in their lives who they appreciate. Remember to always love, respect, and treasure the women in your life!

Q: What are some things you like to do in your spare time when you are not in school?
A: Keyla, like almost every other student, spends her spare...

Q: Why did you want to be in Rampage?
A: "I find it very interesting and the Rampage makes me feel part of LHS!"
Q: What's your favorite food?