Remaking Vines
It’s Jan. 17, 2017. You’re sitting on your living room couch scrolling through the vine app and all of sudden…black screen. You’re so confused about what’s going on. You don’t know whether it could be apple, or even just your Iphone. You are determined to find out what caused this because you want to watch some more vines. The vine app may have gotten deleted, but in 2018 we have Emma and Robert here remaking a couple of vines for you to enjoy, just like the good old days.

Q: What is your biggest worry about senior year?
A: One of Emma’s biggest worries about senior year is not being able to keep track of all her due...

Q: What would you like to pursue after high school?
A: After high school, Robert would like to attend a community college. Robert is undecided but...

Q: Do you have a hobby outside of school, and if so what is it?
A: “Yeah I do. I make videos on my free time.”
Q: What are you looking forward...