Pick a Club, Any Club!
Clubs are an important part of student life here at LHS, and that’s why a whole day is dedicated to them! The Club Fair is an annual event which takes place during each lunch period. Students are able to walk around the school lobby and check out each club’s table. Members of these clubs put time and effort into creating displays to promote their club. These representatives are eager to recruit new members. Thanks to Mrs. Orosz, this is now the third annual club fair at LHS. Mrs. Orosz thinks it’s important for students to get involved in clubs/activities for many reasons:
- Make new friends and meet new students and teachers!
- Explore career interests!
- Donate your time to helping others!
- Spend time doing something you enjoy, that may be outside of academics, to give yourself a mental break!
- Immerse yourself in the school community!
Every student should try to get involved as much as possible in order to become an active part of the Lodi High School community.

Q: How would you describe your high school experience in three words?
A: Positive personal growth
Q: If you could have any superpower what would...