Who Rocks the House? The Seniors Rock the House!
On Friday, Oct. 13, LHS held its annual Powderpuff game which consisted of intense upperclassmen rivalry. It was a very close game, but the seniors took the win with a final score of 9-6. The juniors put up a good fight and got one touchdown made by Andrea Vasquez. Andrea ran 90 yards to make this touchdown and ultimately made powderpuff history! In her excitement she explained, “It honestly felt great to make that run. Hearing the crowd cheer for you is so exciting. I honestly believed we were going to win.” Although the juniors made some errors, they are optimistic for next year. They are ready to work hard and make a comeback at the 2018 powderpuff game!
The intense competition made the seniors fight even harder in order to win the game. Senior player, Alyssa Martin, knew she had to put her all into scoring for her team. Alyssa expressed, “I feel very happy because my class won our last powderpuff ever, and I felt proud of myself that I was able to score that touchdown in order to make sure my team won. I definitely had confidence in my team but my expectations going into the game weren’t that high. I knew it was going to be a close game and without that touchdown we would most likely have lost.” After this amazing touchdown, the seniors scored another two points on a safety.
The halftime show, performed by the junior and senior boys, was a sight to see! The juniors had a routine that definitely pumped up the crowd and had many surprises. The seniors had a well choreographed routine that also got the crowd enthused. Even though it was deemed a tie, an extra point was added to the senior’s score.
Both teams played and performed to the best of their abilities and it definitely showed through during this game. Carlos Pepin, se
nior coach, has some final words on the turn out of the game: “I was pretty impressed and pleased for the seniors to win. My expectations going into the game was that our defense was going to win us the game and it did. I definitely enjoyed coaching and bonding with the girls; it’s always good to come together as a class especially since it’s the last time we will all be together as seniors.” Great job to all of those who participated and congratulations to the winning senior class!

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A: Positive personal growth
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