Trusting Our Track Leaders
As the track and field season begins for Lodi High school, we finally get to shine some light on the leaders of this upcoming season. Although practices only began a month ago, things are starting to get more intense. With new head coach, Ms. Policastro, each player is being pushed to the best of their abilities in order to prepare for their first meet of the season this weekend. Track is an enormous team with about 80 members and with the help of Coach Manzo, Coach Tirico, and Coach Rodriguez, Policastro believes that her team is ready to take the field.
In an interview with Policastro, she gave us a more in depth look of the leaders of this season:
“Although this season started a little rough with the cold weather and snow storm, we modified our practices and worked hard in the weight room and hallways during that time. We focused on getting stronger and faster for April 1st, our first meet of the season. As we prepared for this season, a lot of things had to be taken into consideration. One of our main focuses was the leaders of this season.
Our captains have been doing an awesome job leading our team and preparing them for the season as well. They demonstrate and motivate our athletes to push through the pain and work hard to accomplish their goals. These students are a major help during practices because they are responsible, trustworthy and our “go-to’s” for anything that we may need.” For more information on the new track and field coach, Ms. Policastro, be sure to check out Chris Caban’s article, “The New Sheriff in Town.”
Each captain earned and deserved their spot for this season. Looking back at last year’s success during meets and practice attendance assisted the coaches in decidng who was fit to lead the team this year. The captains for the 2017-2018 track season are as followed:
Carlos Pepin – Jumper
Rachel Leto – Thrower
Matt Wood – Sprinter
Jasmine Castro – Sprinter / Jumper
Alyssa Martin – Jumper
Francisco Duron – Sprinter / Hurdler
Good luck to all the track and field athletes! There’s no doubt that every one of you will do amazing, as long as you continue to practice hard and stay focused. As Policastro says, “Don’t forget to strive for your own personal best!”

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