Small Talk with Our Secretaries
As a way to shine some light on Lodi High School’s Central Office Department, the Lodi Rampage staff interviewed the secretaries who work their magic every day to keep LHS running smoothly. We know we can always count on them because of all their hard work and dedication. Get an insight on these amazing secretaries who are the sunshine of our school. Check out their answers to the questions asked below!

1) If you could travel anywhere, what would be your go-to destination?
Mr. DiChiara: Hawaii
Mrs. Capizzi: Italy. My family history begins in Naples and Foggia. It would be great to see where my family began!
Mrs. Pontillo: Australia
2) What do you enjoy most about your job?
Mr. DiChiara: There’s always plenty to do!
Mrs. Capizzi: The administrators are great as are the teachers and staff! They make it a pleasure to come to work.
Mrs. Pontillo: I love the students, and everyday is different.
3) What is your favorite food?
Mr. DiChiara: Steak
Mrs. Capizzi: Oh, no you got me there!! What isn’t my favorite!
Mrs. Pontillo: Pizza
4) Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
Mr. DiChiara: No, I don’t really have any hobbies.
Mrs. Capizzi: Cooking and baking with my grandchildren are the best! Shopping comes in second.
Mrs. Pontillo: Crafting/scrapbooking/bowling
5) Name a celebrity you would like to meet.
Mr. DiChiara: Oprah
Mrs. Capizzi: Without a doubt, the extremely talented, Michael Jackson! Genius in his field, Thriller the best video ever –oh well to me anyway! Gone to soon!
Mrs. Pontillo: Bon Jovi
6) What’s your favorite holiday?
Mr. DiChiara: Christmas
Mrs. Capizzi: CHRISTMAS has always been my favorite and it became even better with grandchildren!
Mrs. Pontillo: Christmas
7) If you could be a cartoon character for a week, who would you be?
Mr. DiChiara: Fred Flinstone
Mrs. Capizzi: Wilma Flintstone. Isn’t Pebbles the cutest? and Dino? and who wouldn’t want to be married to Fred?
Mrs. Pontillo: Maleficent
A huge thank you to Mr. DiChiara, Mrs. Capizzi, and Mrs. Pontillo for their responses! Here’s a special quote from Mrs. Capizzi : “Miss America was filled … so I took this job. “

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