The Key to Prevention is Early Detection
If you got a chance to peak through the auditorium doors on the week of Nov. 21 then you probably saw a table set and bunch of cool gadgets on stage! The Cardiac Scan Imaging Services stopped by Lodi High School and offered a FREE cardiac scan for all freshmen. Letters were sent out prior to the scanning to let families know of this amazing offer, and many students happily attended!
The Cardiac Scan Imaging Services provides the best way to detect any issues that may arise from the heart. The whole scanning process takes approximately 30 minutes; it’s performed in complete privacy and the confidential and customized report is analyzed by a board-certified cardiologist. This report shows possible complications that may occur and families are notified at once if there seem to be any possible threats. One of the most common cardiac deaths in adolescents is actually hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), a genetic disease in which the heart muscle becomes abnormally thick. With the cardiac scan, it has become much simpler to detect this horrible disease and that is definitely something to be happy about!
Kerri Winans Kaley, from Cardiac Scan, and Wendy Cao, the ultrasound tech, were delighted to see so many freshmen sign up for an event that is very beneficial to their health. The cardiac scan was mainly for freshmen because after the loss of a young teenager from Waldwick, NJ, Sean Fisher, due to complications with his heart, a foundation was started which aimed to get youth checked out for any possible heart conditions which they may possess.
The Lodi Rampage thanks Cardiac Scan Imaging Services for being kind enough to let us interview them and for even snapping a few pictures. Events like this don’t come around too often, so to all who are reading this, get your hearts checked!

Q:What are you going to miss about Lodi High School? A: Leyla will miss all the clubs she was involved in and the sense of community that LHS provided.