Tenth Day of Christmas

Giving. A simple word with a galaxy of meaning.
To many, the holidays are a time spent with family, great fun, food, and stories. However, it is important to remember that every holiday season, a large sum of Americans are homeless or without anything to give or receive. In fact, over 560,000 Americans are considered homeless in some form. Fifteen percent of the homeless population are considered “chronically homeless” or dealing with an illness while homeless. This sort of homelessness is most common in the Tri-State area.
This winter, a little above 3,000 New Yorkers will spend their nights on the streets, in subways, and in homeless shelters. Statistically speaking, 1 out of 147 Americans living within New York City do not have a bed to sleep in. How can we help and give to those who need it most?
There are many ways to become involved in your local community. Donating to a local toy drive, or donating food to a family in need is a wonderful gesture. Even something as simple as donating old clothes or blankets to Goodwill or the Salvation Army does a world of wonder.
To donate to the Coalition for The Homeless, see here: https://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/donate/
To donate to the The Salvation Army, see here: http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/
To donate to Toys for Tots, see here: http://www.toysfortots.org/default.aspx
Emphasizing the importance of giving is a light that will ignite hope this holiday season.

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