Movie Column: The Purge Election Year

If you think this election is rough, you haven’t seen the gore-fest that is The Purge: Election Year.
The very first film could be considered horror, while the sequel was more crime based; now, turning into a trilogy, the third is appearing to be a mixture of the two. The third installment of this series does focus more on the political side of human life. The first in this series focuses on the rich perspective of The Purge, and the second on the poor. With political aspects in mind for this installment, absolutely anything goes.
In this film, the annual Purge looms as Senator Charlie Roan (Elizabeth Mitchell) runs for President. It is detective Leo Barnes’ (Frank Grillo) job to protect the senator from the chaos and anarchy that is Purge Night. Keep in mind, those selected to Purge in this film sport bloody Abraham Lincoln masks among other terrifying revolutionary attires.
Not only is this movie filled with Purging, but this film also features a bloody human sacrifice inside of a church and cut-throat politics. If you’re looking for a cult-classic, this will not suffice. If you’re looking for an average, historical horror flick with the day’s issues at hand, you may have found your next movie. If you are a history buff with a sweet tooth for satanic disorder, The Purge: Election Year is totally the film for you to watch this Halloween.

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