Animal Cruelty

Time for Change
Animals are abused on an everyday basis with no remorse. They are abandoned, beaten, starved, and many times these acts go without consequence. But I want to become a part of the change for animals. Cruelty against animals should be a topic that everyone is against. Animals ought to have rights that shield them from being mistreated since they can’t shield themselves. If there were more animal rights, less creatures would be at risk, minimizing the number of animals being harmed. All we need to do is spread awareness of how horrible people can be when they know there will be no consequences.
The animals whose misuse is regularly reported are dogs, cats, horses and domesticated animals. Of 1,880 abuses reported in the media in 2007, 64.5 percent (1,212) included dogs, 18 percent (337) included cats, and 25 percent (470) included different animals. If those numbers are not frightening enough, you can be at risk, too! Deliberate cruelty to animals is strongly associated with different crimes, including violence against individuals. Serious animal neglect is regularly a pointer of people needing social or psychological wellness services. Surveys propose that those who deliberately abuse animals are usually male and under 30.
Types of Animal Cruelty
Dogfighting/cockfighting is a huge issue all over the world. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has arraigned different cases where drug cartels were running narcotics through cockfighting and dogfighting operations. In 2014, government operators found that worldwide street pharmacists had congregated at a Kentucky cockfighting pit and even sent a hit man to focus on a neighborhood cockfighter. Many murders have happened at cockfights and dogfights. In one example, a man in California was executed at a cockfight over a contradiction around a $10 wager. However, for the most part, it’s the animals that die each and every fight. These owners make their animals fight to the death for their own greed and entertainment.
There are many other types of animal abuse, like hoarding, bestiality, burning, poisoning, mutilation, suffocation, and the list goes on and on. But the emotional abuse is just as traumatizing to animals as the physical abuse. Many animals refuse to eat or drink after being abused. Some never recover. If they don’t die in their abusive home, they end up on the streets or picked up and put into an animal shelter. Even then, with help from doctors and TLC from the staff and volunteers to help them recover, they can never find a home because they were too traumatized to become a part of a new family.
People don’t yet understand how human-like most animals are. Animals are intelligent, kind, sensitive beings that deserve to be treated as a child would: with patience, love, and understanding. The fact that people don’t truly appreciate animals means they do not deserve to be a caretaker of one. But people don’t comprehend this and decide to take on the responsibility, then misuse the power they have over their animals. It isn’t fair, and I encourage everyone to be a part of the fight for animals and the rights they truly deserve.
Ways to Help
Being a part of this special cause is so easy, and there are many ways to do it. You can help by always filing a report if you see an animal being mistreated, volunteering at any local shelters, spreading awareness of how harsh the world is, and recruiting new members to fight for the animals. You can also donate money to one of many funds raising money for shelters, medicine, and much more!
Here are some websites:
The local cruelty hotline number is: 800-582-5979

Q: If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?
A: I'd be a panther, because they're so graceful, fast, and fierce.
Q: How would you describe...