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When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

Paola De La Cruz

Paola De La Cruz, Administrator

Q:Are you in any clubs and if so, which one is your favorite?  A: Paola is in numerous clubs but her two favorite are FBLA and Interact club. She enjoys being in Interact club because it allows her to pursue her passion of helping others and she enjoys being a member of FBLA because she’s able to get a sneak peek into the business world.

Q:What is your dream job?  A: If she could have any job in the world, she would either choose to be Beyonce or she would be the President of the United States.

Q:What are some of your favorite hobbies?  A: Paola’s favorite hobby is writing poetry. She mainly writes free verse, a type of poetry in which the author chooses their own unique writing style. Paola also enjoys listening to all different genres of music.

Q:Do you have any plans on what you want to do in college?  A: Paola has her mind set on double majoring in economics and political science. Her ultimate goal is to be a social entrepreneur who travels the world participating in several philanthropic activities.

Interviewed by Shanza Arif

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