Black Friday Do’s and Black Friday Don’ts

Everyone loves Thanksgiving. There’s great food, time with loved ones, perhaps some gifts here and there –What’s not to love? However, the real excitement, for some, comes the day after, Black Friday. Black Friday is when people from all over camp out at stores the day/night before so they can be first in line to get that 55″ television or go crazy and buy everything they see just because it’s on sale. There are many things you should and shouldn’t do on Black Friday though. Let me tell you some do’s and don’ts and get some insight on Lodi High School’s fashionistas and shopaholics.

  • Do research on prices before you go out.
  • Don’t assume the best sales are in stores.
  • Do set a budget.
  • Don’t go crazy!!!
  • Do expect sales to start on Thursday.
  • Don’t bring children.
  • Do bring a shopping buddy.
  • Don’t leave home without drinks and snacks.
  • Do create a list.
  • Don’t bring a big purse ladies.
  • Do look for coupons.


What are your thoughts on Black Friday?

Ms. Gillenson, “I usually shop every year with my grandmother on Black Friday. Ideally everybody should stay home and shop online. You don’t have to go out shopping when you have Cyber Monday to get great deals as well. If you do go out, I would recommend going to small businesses and boutiques. If you really have to go to a big store, go early so you can spend the rest of the day with family. The day after Black Friday is small business Saturday, which is so much better than going out on Friday. My advice would be not to go shopping at all, but if you have to, go to a small business or shop online.”

Mrs. Kushkuley, “I do not shop on Black Friday since I am not a big fan of crowds. I did it once when I first moved to the U.S. just to satisfy my curiosity. It is definitely an experience, but I would not recommend it. A lot of stores now have the same big discounts online, so you can get things for the same price and in a much orderly and stress free environment.”

Ms. Garlasco, “I remember being younger and being dragged out by my mother to do some shopping as early as possible on Black Friday. As I am older now, and it’s no secret that I do enjoy to shop, it is extremely important for myself to have  a game plan going into the day. My biggest tip is to make a list of the things that you are looking for, research the places that may have that item, and make sure that you know all of the deals going in. This year I am not physically going to go to the malls on Black Friday, but I am going to check out the online deals that businesses have to offer. I like big business because I find that they have more deals. However, I also enjoy what small businesses have to offer. It is so convenient to search and make purchases at the click of a button. So carpe diem and enjoy the madness of whatever Black Friday has to offer!”