The Clash of 22′ and 23′
After an unfortunate turn of events last year, Lodi High School’s annual Powderpuff game was back in action on Oct. 15. The junior girls went head-to-head with the senior girls in a game of football to see who was the better grade. However, a football game isn’t complete without cheerleaders; so, the junior and senior boys had a cheer-off to see who had the better cheerleaders. The game was at a cross roads with both teams making many runs but no reach in the end zone. Junior Benita Osmani almost had a full field touchdown until she was stopped by senior Shaniya Richberg at the 10 yard mark. Then, at the end of the second half when all looked lost, senior Shaniya Richberg carried the ball into the end zone sealing the victory with a final score of 6-0. This year’s event brought out the much-needed school spirit that was missing. This is only the start of this year’s many events! So make sure to tune into the Lodi Rampage for weekly updates. Hope to see you at the next event!

Q: How was your life during the pandemic?
A: Overall, it was boring and I wish I was more productive with my life. I did play soccer throughout the fall...

Q: Do you think LHS was a good choice as a high school or would you rather be somewhere else?
A: LHS was a good choice because I have a lot of friends...

Q: What are some of your hobbies outside of school?
A: I like hanging out with my friends and playing sports.
Q: If you could have one superpower what...

Q: How does it feel to be in Lodi High School after a year and a half?
A: It feels weird. Especially because we have to wear masks. However, I think it’s...

Q: What would you say is your biggest goal for senior year?
A: For senior year, I want to have a GPA of above a 4.0. Also, I overall want to be one of...

Q: Which film would you recommend the most?
A: Dark Knight because it’s soul thrilling and engaging.
Q: Most memorable literature you’ve read so...