Unorganized Cooking: Kitchen Catastrophe

I’m not even about to explain what the joke in the title is alluding to. If you get it, you get it. If you don’t, then what a shame. But in all honesty, making these mug-cakes were more of a hassle than I anticipated. Or are they actual cupcakes? Anyways, don’t even get me started on that vanilla mug-cake. Also, again, just because it’s a cake doesn’t mean I forgot to take out the butter. You’ll just have to eat a sad cake.


  • Cake Mix
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Apple Sauce
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Cinnamon

*Note: measurements are fluid depending on what cup you use, so don’t expect tsp. or tbsp. or any of that because I just threw everything together. But then again, I never measure anything on this series.


  1. First, start off with the dry ingredients. Fill 1/3 the cup with cake mix, whether vanilla or chocolate, half that amount of sugar, and a pinch of cinnamon.
  2. If you wonder what the apple sauce is for, that’s to replace the vegetable oil. Eyeball a tsp. and in case you’re doing vanilla, add very little extract, or you’ll taste the ethanol.
  3. Microwave for 1:30. Also, I was curious what would happen if I mixed both the cake mixes, so I did. The mixed one probably came out the best.

I also tried making a frosting for this. I swear it’s frosting, despite what the images look like.


  • Peanut Butter (No this doesn’t count as me using butter)
  • Chocolate
  • Greek yogurt


  1. In a small dish, microwave the peanut butter and chocolate together for 1:20 to make a liquid. (Hey look! I think that might be the New York City water treatment plant facility. Seems like it’s about to go through primary treatment.)
  2. Apply 3 heaping tablespoons of Greek yogurt and establish it with the peanut-chocolate mix.
  3. Microwave for 20 sec. since the cold yogurt probably slightly solidified the mix a little.
  4. And there you have it. Your incredibly sad frosting.