The Beginning of Something New: Spring Pep Rally
On May 3, 2019, the Student Government, with the help of Mr.Romeo, held Lodi High School’s first ever Spring Pep Rally. Student Government president, Andres Balvin had this idea in the back of his mind before being elected. His election, along with the voices of the student body allowed him the ability to follow through with this event. Balvin explained how the fall and winter sports receive recognition for their accomplishments, so why shouldn’t the spring sports? However, Balvin did not do this alone. Without the help of senior and baseball captain Anthony Scrafano, this event would not have been possible. Balvin and Scrafano held countless meeting with Principal Mr.D’Amico and spoke on behalf of the spring sports teams. Scrafano shared his own experience of not being part of a pep assembly during his four years in high school since he only played a spring sport. After these determined and heartfelt meetings, the wheels were rolling for the Spring Pep assembly. Although the coaches and athletes were recognized, there was a surprise that the students did not expect. There were games that were played in between the presentation of each team along with prizes. Not only did this game have the participants riled up, but the crowd was also filled with laughter. After every team was announced, former baseball player, Mr. D’Amico, and former collegiate level softball player, Mrs. Orosz, each threw a pitch which had the crowd surprised and cheering! This spring pep rally was a fun way for the students and athletes of Lodi High School to finish off their year with pride and spirit. In the end this event was a success and has paved the way for future spring pep rallies.

Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: Besides going back and forth deciding between which social media I should scroll through, I usually listen to...