Breakfast with the Seniors
Senior Breakfast is an enjoyable, pre-graduation tradition that all seniors attend. While all of the seniors were reminiscing about their happy days at LHS, they were served with bagels, french toast, juice, and what everyone had been waiting for…this year’s Yearbook! “The Final Piece” brought an excitement in the cafeteria, as seniors looked through the times they have spent together.
Even though most of the seniors are ready to go off to college, sitting together made us realize all these moments went by so fast. Many of us have began to open new doors, so excited to leave the place we’ve called home for four years, but perhaps that Thursday morning of the Senior Breakfast we realized that our lives will never be the same. We are now an alumni, and while we will come back to visit, it won’t be the same walking in these hallways the way we did for four whole years. We are no longer an LHS student, upperclassman, teammate, or club member Everything will change the moment we walk through those doors.
As the days become numbered, we look forward to independence and a college where we can start all over. I know you are excited for the future, but please remember what you are leaving behind. Every beginning has an end. And every end is a new beginning. It’s a relentless cycle seen in every aspect of our lives. Good luck to the graduating class of 2018!

Q: What are your major goals for your senior year?
A: Sunbul wants to maintain her 4.0 GPA and be accepted into a good college. She is also looking...