Cheese, New Inductees!
Being a member of the National Honor Society implies more than just wearing an extra tassel on graduation day. The broadly perceived, volunteer-based club underscores Leadership, Scholarship, Service and Character in its criteria for student enrollment and by fulfilling these requirements the new inductees were able to be a part of this ceremony. On Tuesday, March 20, LHS held its 83rd annual National Honor Society Ceremony which inducted 22 outstanding seniors and juniors. During the ceremony, President Hashim Kalash, Vice President Jeremiah Larivaux, Recording Secretary Samantha Guerra, Corresponding Secretary Paulette Gando, and Treasurer Sunny Mistry, each representing a pillar, gave their inspiring speeches. The ceremony was followed by a beautiful performance by Carina Lamas and four of the newly inducted members: Angie Lopez, Isobella Angeles, Sarah Santana, and Ishita Rana. A 2013 graduate of LHS, and a former NHS president, Shayan Sharma, was this year’s guest speaker.He gave an enlightening discourse on what the future holds for juniors, and graduating seniors. The Lodi Rampage would like to congratulate all the new inductees on this great achievement!

Q: What are your major goals for your senior year?
A: Sunbul wants to maintain her 4.0 GPA and be accepted into a good college. She is also looking...